With the email forwarding enabled for any given address, all of the incoming messages will be forwarded to a third-party e-mail address you have chosen although the latter will not be in the list of recipients and also, the sender won't be informed exactly where their e-mail will go. Feel free to use such a function if you have multiple email addresses because it will be more convenient to receive all inbound messages in a single mailbox as an alternative to logging in and out of numerous ones on a regular basis or configuring a variety of mail boxes in an email client. If you manage a business or perhaps an organization, the e-mail forwarding is also a method to check all messages obtained by different departments for better coordination. You can also use this characteristic the other way round - a message sent to a general email address can be sent to multiple people.

E-mail Forwarding in Cloud Hosting

The Hepsia Control Panel, which is provided with all our cloud hosting packages, will allow you to forward any email address inside the account to an alternative one without any difficulty. This can be done either throughout the creation of a brand new mailbox or any time later in case you choose that you will need this function. During the process, you'll be able to consider if you need a copy of the emails to be kept on the server. In this way, you will have a backup and you will avoid the probability to lose an email if the forwarding is to an outside address, that is briefly unavailable. This option can be enabled and deactivated at any moment, though if you use email messages for crucial matters, it is far better to use it, since no data of the e-mails are kept on the server in case the option is not enabled. If you decide that you do not need forwarding anymore, it takes simply a mouse click to deactivate it.

E-mail Forwarding in Semi-dedicated Hosting

With a semi-dedicated server package from us, it will take a few mouse clicks to forward any email addresses managed in your account to a third-party mailbox. You will be able to get this done from the feature-rich Email Manager part of the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel and throughout the task you could also choose if a backup of your emails should be kept on our servers or not. The aforementioned feature is optional, yet useful since you will get a backup of your incoming emails, so regardless of whether something occurs with the other mailbox, you simply will not lose any info. You can activate or deactivate the forwarding for any mailbox at any moment and forward the messages to numerous addresses if you need. You will also be able to see a list of all email addresses that are now being forwarded and exactly where the emails are being sent to.